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Notion Blocks

Fetch Blocks

Fetch Specific Blocks

Specific blocks can be fetched by using their UUID.

If the returned block is one that has a specific implementation in this package, an instance of one of the classes listed on the Supported Blocks page will be returned. If not, an instance of Block::class will be returned instead.


Fetch block children

If a block has children (e.g. a page or a list), they can be fetched with the parent UUID. The result can be fetched as a Collection or as JSON.

# Fetches children from a specific block as a Collection
       ->limit(5) // limit is optional

# Fetches children from a specific block as JSON

Some blocks are not supported by the Notion API and will be ignored. To force the listing of unsupported blocks, the method withUnsupported() can be used.

# Fetches children from a specific block as JSON

Fetch block children as content

In some cases the content representation of all blocks is preferable. It is possible to only get the blocks' content with asTextCollection().

# Fetches children from a specific block as a collection of their content
Supported Blocks