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Notion Databases

Query Databases

Database queries

Every database query returns a PageCollection::class, which can be used either as an iterable Collection of the pages pages or as a JSON-String, suited for frontend handling.

$pageCollection = Notion::database($databaseId)->query();

$collectionOfPages = $pageCollection->asCollection();
$jsonOfPages = $pagesCollection->asJson();

In order to understand the full context of handling multiple results, please refer to Handling Results .

How to handle Pages and their Properties is fully explained in Fetch Pages and Handle Properties .

Filtering a database query

You can pretty much filter database queries like in Notion.

        ->filterBy($filters) // filters are optional
        ->sortBy($sortings) // sorts are optional
        ->limit(5) // limit is optional

Please refer to Filtering and Sorting , on how to handle filtering and sorting in detail.


Query responses of the Notion API are always limited to a maximum of 100 results. Results can also be limited to a lesser amount which makes pagination necessary.

Getting results further into the dataset can be achieved by using an offset.

$response = Notion::database($databaseId)->query();

$startCursor = $response->getNextCursor();

$responseWithOffset = Notion::database($databaseId)

Please refer to Pagination for more details.

Create Database